Quarto, pt. 2.2: AI - Behind The Curtain
We’ve made it! I’m not gonna lie, this part was tough. But, Oh! The things one can accomplish with grit, determination, perseverance, tenacity, all that. If you’ve stumbled on this post and haven’t read the precursors, you’re not going to have any idea what I’m talking about. Start here: Part 1.
The full code for this AI can be found here.
Step 1: The Algorithm - Monte Carlo Tree Search
Because machine learning is fascinating and games are fun, I started reading Deep Learning and the Game of Go (remember when a computer first beat the Go world champion? It was paradigm shifting). I didn’t realize it at the time, but the first part of the book would enlighten me on how to build an AI for Quarto. It goes over traditional board game engine techniques like minimax, alpha beta pruning, and Monte Carlo tree search. I thought using deep learning for Quarto right out the gate would be overkill, so the conventional route seemed the best place to start. The problem with minimax/alpha-beta pruning is that they depend on a heuristic function that can examine the state of the game and concretely tell you which side is doing better. For Quarto, and even tic-tac-toe for that matter, I had no idea how to suss out an advantage just by looking at the board and remaining pieces (apart from next-move-wins). However, Monte Carlo tree search was designed not to need such a heuristic. We can solve the problem by avoiding it. Perfect!
Similar to reinforcement learning, MCTS plays lots of games in order to find the best move. It takes a given game state and plays out as many moves as possible within a given time limit. These are called rollouts. The moves are randomly selected each turn, and the branch that ends up with the highest win rate is chosen. It would take too long to see every possibility, so processing is constrained by the number of iterations or a length of time. Therefore, even with the odds in your favor, you still might lose the bet. This is why it was named after Monte Carlo, a place world famous for gambling.
Here’s my tl;dr that guided me through the coding process:
- create tree (root node) for given game state
- start a round:
- pick a leaf node
- randomly place the active piece and choose the next piece (a Quarto move)
- add new child node with this game state
- execute rollout (simulate game from this node to see who wins)
- record the win in this node
- walkup all node ancestors and update their win counts
- Set this to a certain number of rounds
- Once limit is reached, select the child node of the root that has the highest win rate
Step B: The Codes
Remember this line?
{position, next_piece} = AI.choose_position_and_next_piece(board, piece)
That’s called in Elixir after the user picks the piece for the AI. With the rustler NIF in place, the definition of that function winds up here, showing the new AI code:
fn choose_position_and_next_piece(board: Term, active_piece: i32) -> (i32, i32) {
let board = convert_term_to_board(board);
let game = GameState::new(board, active_piece, AGENT);
let agent = Agent::new(3000, 1.5);
let selected_move = agent.select_move(game);
(selected_move.position, selected_move.next_piece)
Converting the Term into an array of i32s remains the same. However, now we pass it
to a game state struct. An Agent
is created, which takes the game state and picks
the best move for the AI (represented as AGENT
). Alright! We’re done. I hope you enjoyed…oh,
you want to see what the agent does? Fine.
pub struct Agent {
num_rounds: i32,
temperature: f64, // used in child selection
One thing it takes is the number of game simulation rounds. This is our time constraint.
More rounds increase the accuracy, but also the time the user spends watching a
spinny thing. Inside select_move
pub fn select_move(&self, game: GameState) -> Move {
let root = NodeBuilder::new(game).build();
And there we have the fundamental headache that must be dealt with: what is a node? what is a tree? who am I?
Rc<RefCell> Hell - writing a cyclical tree in Rust
Rust by default does not like it when you create objects that reference each other. In our tree, a node needs to point to an array of child nodes. It’s totally fine for the parent to own the children (until they’re 18). The problem is when the child nodes need to reference their parent (children can’t also own their parents, but grandparents are expected to borrow the children! Ok I’m done). If the child has a reference to the parent but itself is also owned by the parent, neither can ever be dropped!
Several painful iterations were spent on how to get past this paradox, and I settled
on using Rc
, Weak
, and RefCell
. It definitely adds mental overhead, and it’s basically
a way to sneak around Rust’s natural ownership/borrowing mechanics. Rc
wraps a value and
keeps track of how many references point to it: Rc::new(node)
. You can access its wrapped data
as usual, but it’s immutable. Calling clone
on it creates a new reference and increases
the count. It’s only dropped once the count is zero. We’re going to be adding children
to a node’s array, so it will need to be mutable. That’s were RefCell
comes in.
It allows an Rc
’s value to be mutable. Rc::new(RefCell::new(node))
Now to access that value we use borrow
(immutable) and borrow_mut
For readability, a type alias allows us to hide those details for client use. Our humble node:
pub type Node = Rc<RefCell<MCTNode>>;
pub struct MCTNode {
pub game_state: GameState,
pub children: Vec<Node>,
pub num_rollouts: i32,
pub unvisited_moves: Vec<Move>,
pub win_counts: HashMap<&'static str, i32>,
pub parent: Option<Weak<RefCell<MCTNode>>>,
pub node_move: Option<Move>,
Yikes! Look at the parent’s type. Rc
keeps a strong reference, which means its value can’t be dropped.
keeps a reference that can be dropped at any time, regardless of the count.
Because of this, the value is an Option
, since it may not be there.
Doing this prevents memory leaks for “allowable” reference cycles through Rc
(here be dragons outside of natural borrowing).
In order to use a Weak
value, it must be upgraded to an Rc
. In addition, our node
may not even have a parent, so it’s an Option
, too.
// borrow to get the MCTNode, get its parent as an Option ref, unwrap the Option,
// upgrade the Weak ref, then unwrap that Option. whew
let parent_node = child.borrow().parent.as_ref().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap();
Back to Monte
Now that we have a non-leaky working tree, let’s execute all the rounds!
Notice the clone
incrementing the strong Rc
for _ in 0..self.num_rounds {
The workhorse of the algorithm!
fn execute_round(&self, root: Node) {
let mut node = root.clone(); // another reference increment!
// Find the appropriate node to add a child to.
// If the node can't add any more children, it has seen all of its moves.
// If it's terminal, its game is over.
// Therefore, use one of its children instead of it.
while !node.borrow().can_add_child() && !node.borrow().is_terminal() {
node = self.select_child(node.clone());
// Pick a random move and add it as a child. Each node corresponds to one move.
// This node binding now becomes the new child.
node = self.add_child_for_random_move(node.clone());
// Simulate a game. This plays out the game from the new child node,
// picking moves randomly for both sides (Player and Agent) until someone wins or draws.
let winner = self.simulate_random_game(&node.borrow().game_state);
// Record the win on this node and all of the parents up the tree.
// win_counts is a hash: ("player" -> i32, "agent" -> i32)
// RefCell allows this node to be mutated.
Let’s peek at a couple of these methods. I think the code is mostly self explanatory.
fn add_child_for_random_move(&self, node: Node) -> Node {
// nodes keep track of which moves have been seen
let next_move = node.borrow_mut().select_next_random_move();
let new_game_state = node.borrow().game_state.apply_move(&next_move);
// using the builder pattern to hide that node complexity we discussed
let child = NodeBuilder::new(new_game_state)
.parent(Rc::downgrade(&node)) // turning the Rc into a Weak
node.borrow_mut().children.push(child); // move ownership to parent node
node.borrow().children.last().unwrap().clone() // return a child reference
fn simulate_random_game(&self, game: &GameState) -> Option<Player> {
let mut current_game = game.clone(); // this is an actual value copy
while !current_game.is_over() {
let next_move = self.select_random_move(game);
current_game = current_game.apply_move(&next_move);
fn select_random_move(&self, game: &GameState) -> Move {
let legal_moves = game.legal_moves();
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
// get a random index for the array of legal moves
let index: usize = rng.gen_range(0..legal_moves.len());
legal_moves[index].clone() // actual copy. Like I said, mental overhead.
// GameState
pub fn apply_move(&self, the_move: &Move) -> Self {
let mut next_board = self.board.clone(); // brand new board
// put the piece in position
next_board[the_move.position as usize] = Some(the_move.piece);
// new game state for next piece and player
GameState::new(next_board, the_move.next_piece, self.next_player())
There is a lot more code that would make this post pretty long if we went over it all here. Feel free to spelunk for yourself at the repo. After all the rounds are over and our tree has been populated with win counts, we iterate over all of the root’s children and pick the move that had the highest win rate for the AI. Fin.
Maturing the AI with Quarto specific rules
After playing the game for awhile, I noticed that the AI would hand me winning moves and totally miss the winning moves I gave it. This is because not every move may be visited in Monte. The branch may contain a losing move for the AI that it didn’t see and end up with a higher win percentage overall. These “next move wins” situations could be eliminated or capitalized on with some specific logic.
Before we even begin executing rounds for a game, we can check to see if the move given to the AI is winning.
// If agent is given a winning move, take it!
if let Some(winning_move) = root.borrow().game_state.winning_move() {
return winning_move
On the flip side, when we’re going through the children to find the best move, if it is losing for the AI, skip it.
for child in &node.borrow().children {
// this applies the move to the game state and checks if the new game is over.
if self.is_losing_move(child.clone(), node.clone()) {
Deploying with Docker
One last thing to note is the unforeseen difficulty in deploying the app. Read here about how it’s done. The problem was that now Rust needed to be installed in the Docker image. Because of the base image it uses, this took some trial and error.
# builder container
FROM bitwalker/alpine-elixir-phoenix:1.11.4 as builder
# install Rust
RUN curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- -y
ENV PATH $HOME.cargo/bin:$PATH
ENV RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=-crt-static"
# then in the runner container
FROM bitwalker/alpine-elixir:1.11.4
# install runtime deps for Rust
RUN apk update --no-cache && \
apk add --no-cache \
Final Summation
It took some blood and tears to get this thing live, but boy it was satisfying when it started beating me. You have to slow down and think or you will lose. It’s hardcoded to 3000 rounds as of this writing, which provides about two or three seconds of latency in dev but it’s blazing fast in prod. I feel like this puts it to about a medium difficulty. Something I’d like to add is an option for the player to choose a difficulty setting. That will control the number of rounds to spend evaluating moves. Also, I need to fix the UI to handle draws (they happen!). I was happy to have found Monte Carlo tree search. It made it easier to find winning moves without being dependent on game specific heuristics. Thanks go to Deep Learning and the Game of Go. It’s a great book, so check it out. Enough talk. Go and play! (just not on mobile :D)